Sleepiness during working hours was the biggest challenge for everyone at work. Especially when the work piling up, and drowsiness hit the course work be wrong. You may also experience the same thing huh? So what can you do during working hours. Many things you can do, but before we discuss the ways to overcome sleepiness during working hours is better to discuss in advance the cause of drowsiness at work. Can work
Sleepiness at work can sebabakan by several factors such as bored with his job, a lot of work, and many others. Whatever the cause sleepiness during working hours should be our opponent or avoid. As for how to abolishing drowsiness including the following:
Drinking Coffee
One of the most common ways by any person when hit by drowsiness during working hours by drinking coffee. But one thing you should know is not too much memngonsumsi cap because it can result in Uruk for his health.
Memdengarkan music
The next way to overcome sleepiness is by listening to favorite music. The most advisable is to listen to the cheerful music in order to make re-energized.
Now that's some ways to cope with sleepiness at work you can do. In addition you can also do the other way is to stretch muscles and avoid staring at the screen for too long.
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