Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

Manfaat Air Kelapa untuk Kesehatan Tubuh

Siapa yang tidak mengetahui air kelapa? Hampir semua orang mengatahui dan menyukai rasa dari minuman ini. Rasanya yang enak dan segar ketika dinikmati pada saat terik dapat membuat kita lebih bertenaga dan bersemangat untuk menjalani aktifitas. Selain enak dan menyegarkan air kelapa juga memiliki manfaat yang menyehatkan bagi tubuh. hal ini dikarenakan air kelapa kaya akan vitamin C, biotin, riboflavin, asam folat, dan masih banyak lagi. Lantas apa saja manfaat dari air kelapa untuk kesehatan? Berikut ulasannya.

Mengatasi dehidrasi

Manfaat yang pertama adalah sangat berguna untuk mengatasi dehidrasi. Dehidrasi atau hilangnya cairan tubuh yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan yang serius. Oleh karena itu tak ada salahnya jika mengonsumsi air kelapa untuk mengisi cairan tubuh yang hilang setelah beraktifitas.

Mencegah pembuluh darah tersumbat

Yang kedua adalah dapat mencegah pembuluh darah tersumbat. jika Anda mengonsumsi air kelapa secara teratur, air kelapa dapat membantu tubuh untuk meningkatkan sirkulasi darah lelbih lancar. Sehingga ini akan melebarkan pembuluh darah yang menyempit dan tentu saja dapat membantu untuk mencegah pembuluh darah tersumbat.

Antioksidan alami

Selanjutnya adalah dapat menjadi sebagai antioksidan. Antioksidan dapat membuat tubuh menangkal dan mencegah radikal bebas penyebab segala macam penyakit.

Nah itulah beberapa manfaat air kelapa bagi kesehatan tubuh.

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Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

Largest Music Festival in Asia

Famous Asian continent with many cultures and often hold a world-class music festival. Many tourists yng deliberately visited the region to witness the afestival be some music. Here is the biggest music festival in Asia.

1. Sunburn Festival of India. This is a special music festival held every EDM yng end of December at Candolim beach in Goa. There are more than 50,000 people who come to watch this music festival on the last mat.

2. Java Jazz Festival in Indonesia. Jazz Festival held every year is the largest in the southern hemisphere. There are various types of jazz that you can meet. Besides Java Jazz also often presents a world-class jazz musicians.

3. Rainforest World Music Festival in Malaysia. This is the biggest music festival that had a traditional genre. The festival is usually held in Sarawak. During the three days.

4. Baybeats Singapore. Baybeats is a festival with a performance of cross genres, such as folk, post-rock, indie pop and others. The festival is usually held on the Esplanade in July.

5. Big Mountain Music Festival Thailand. Is one of the festival with the largest audience in Asia. In the last event, there selibih than 150,000 pairs of eyes that watched this music festival.

6. Japan's Fuji Rock Festival. The festival featured many rock musicians held setipa summer. Mount Fuji became a place to held the festival.

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Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015

Freshness secret Kuah Garang Asem

If you pay a visit to Semarang or Solo, there is an obligatory culinary you try, yaiyu charcoal tamarind. Garang Asem is a typical food Semarang who coined the delicious taste. Additionally fierce tamarind is also believed to warm up and refresh the body. According to the culinary connoisseur, Bondan Winarno, there are two versions that can be encountered fierce tamarind. The first is the Holy version without coconut milk, and coconut milk Solo versions.

But both have the same way in cooking that is wrapped in banana leaves. Tamarind fierce name itself is taken from the weave yaiu steamed or digarang. In making fierce tamarind takes one chicken cut into 16 sections. This is the main ingredient mixed with other ingredients such as onion, garlic, green chili, bay leaves, lemon grass, galangal, tomatoes, ginger, and the most typical is starfruit vegetable. All ingredients except sliced chili.

Garang asem very suitable enjoyed during the day. Fresh flavors of star fruit into fierce tamarind vegetable tastier. There is one more tips so fierce nikamt sour and savory, that you can use chicken as a main ingredient. Dagng chicken broth believed to produced the more savory, and is not easily destroyed during the long process of steaming.

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Selasa, 06 Oktober 2015

Sepatu yang Wajib Dimiliki Wanita

Setiap orang pasti menginginkan penampilan yang menarik. Penampilan yang menarik dapat dilihat dari cara seseorang berpakaian. Misalnya memilih warna baju, aksesoris dan sepatu. Bagi perempuan, selain apakaian, sepatu merupakan hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Ini karena banyaknya model sepatu perempuan saat ini. Jangan sampai Anda salah memilih sepatu dalam sebuah acara.

Terlepas dari itu, ada beberap model sepatu yang wajib dimililki oleh wanita. Berikut ulasannya!

1. Basic Ballet Flats. Sepatu ini dapat digunakan untuk acara formal maupun casual. Anda dapat memadukan dengan rok pleated, shift dress, dan busana cut offs. Sepatu ini akan memberikankesan dewasa saat memakainya.

2. Casual kick. Sepatu jenis ini biasanya digunakan saat wanita akan melakukan olahraga. Namun, Anda juga perlu tahu jika sepatu ini juga cocok dipadukan dengan sweater dan jeans.

3. Ankle boots. Model sepatu boots sangat disukai oleh selebritis Holliwood. Selain bentuknya yang unik, sepatu jenis ini juga memiliki ketinggian heels yang pas sehingga nyaman saat digunakan. Kelebihan jenis sepatu ini adalah dapat dipadukan dengan pakaian model apapun.

4. Wedges. Sepatu ini memiliki ketinggian seperti heels. Namun untuk kenyamanan wedges lebih menjadi pilihan. Anda dapat menggunakannya saat acara formal maupun casual.

5. Classic pump. Ini merupakan sepatu wajib yang harus dimiliki perempuan. Sepatu ini terlihat cantik bila dipadukan dengan jenis baju apapun. Sepatu ini juga akan membuat Anda lebih seksi jika memakainya.

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Senin, 05 Oktober 2015

Food and Drink to Lose Body Immune

You need to know if the body's immune system has an important role for the body immune to disease. There are many foods that can improve endurance, but there also were able to lower the body's resistance. The following foods and beverages that can lower the body's immune you need to know.

1. Coffee. Almost everyone loves coffee, especially men. But you need to know when taking excessive coffee when going ttidur able to lower the body's resistance. Coffee can give effect to the body awake. And if you sleep less eat immunity will menirin.

2. Soda. This drink is a drink that is high in sugar has no nutrients, and contain phosphoric acid which can reduce the body's ability to absorb calcium and magnesium.

3. Fried foods. Many people who love fried mekanan as more savory and delicious. However, if consumed in excess it is able to increase your weight and lower the body's resistance.

4. Red meat. There are many benefits of red meat. However, if consumed in excess it will have an impact for the body because it is difficult to digest the natural sugar.

5. Processed foods. Processed foods tend to be favored because it favors and practical. But you need to know if the processed food is capable of destroying the immune system. Materials and sugars contained in these foods can disrupt the body's immune system.

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How to Overcome Slow Loading Mozilla

pakah you ever experience slow loading of your mozilla? Indeed bleak conditions that often make us feel emotions. Quite time-consuming because of work or other activities. Now therefore why would we present the following tips or ways to overcome the mozilla slow loading. Want to know how? Directly just see review below!

How to Overcome Slow Loading Mozilla

So make Pipelining Enable
Pipelining in computer science is one of the assets from the data processing dibubungkan in ber- series. If you start slow mozilla should immediately to enable or make pipelining became fosters. So with so mozilla LEMOR you will not be back.

Cleaning Browser History
Too much saving history is one cause mozilla be slow, by karen that try every time after use to clean history. This is done to prevent mozilla slow when it will be reused.

This application is one additional apliksai which entered into mozilla browser. This application is very helpful to further speed up the loading mozilla dario before. The way is with this mengunkunjungi https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/rsccmanfasterfox/ to include application in your browser.

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Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2015

How To Overcome Sleepiness At At Work

Sleepiness during working hours was the biggest challenge for everyone at work. Especially when the work piling up, and drowsiness hit the course work be wrong. You may also experience the same thing huh? So what can you do during working hours. Many things you can do, but before we discuss the ways to overcome sleepiness during working hours is better to discuss in advance the cause of drowsiness at work. Can work

Sleepiness at work can sebabakan by several factors such as bored with his job, a lot of work, and many others. Whatever the cause sleepiness during working hours should be our opponent or avoid. As for how to abolishing drowsiness including the following:

Drinking Coffee
One of the most common ways by any person when hit by drowsiness during working hours by drinking coffee. But one thing you should know is not too much memngonsumsi cap because it can result in Uruk for his health.

Memdengarkan music
The next way to overcome sleepiness is by listening to favorite music. The most advisable is to listen to the cheerful music in order to make re-energized.

Now that's some ways to cope with sleepiness at work you can do. In addition you can also do the other way is to stretch muscles and avoid staring at the screen for too long.

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